• Notes on spiritual and mental health

    I'm attempting to catalog some of my deeper thinking on topics that seem to come up in themes when I am speaking with visitors to the shop, conversing with the healing arts practitioners, or listening to friends share. Lately, I am witnessing a theme around mental and spiritual health.

  • Remembering to stay soft…

    When people are born, they are soft and gentle. When they die they are stiff and callous. When myriad things, grasses, and trees, are born, they are soft and tender. When they die, they are withered. So stiffness and callousness are the company of death. Softness and Suppleness are the company of Life. The powerful army will not win. A stiff tree will break. So stiffness and power stay below. Softness and suppleness stay above. ~ Tao te Ching 道德經