Healing Circle: a night for energy healers
Join Dawna and your fellow energy healers for an evening of rejuvenation, sharing your healing gifts, working on each other, and practicing your skills. All modalities are welcome. As healers, it is important to take time for our own healing. To be an effective healer, one must continually work on healing themselves.
USUI Reiki Level One
Join us in initiation to this beautiful healing modality! You will learn the practice and the history of Reiki, where it comes from and how to integrate it into your life. This is a full day of hands on training and Reiki attunement. Learn for self practice and for treatment of others.
Notes on spiritual and mental health
I'm attempting to catalog some of my deeper thinking on topics that seem to come up in themes when I am speaking with visitors to the shop, conversing with the healing arts practitioners, or listening to friends share. Lately, I am witnessing a theme around mental and spiritual health.