• Tarot Study Group: The Minor Arcana Suit of Wands (Ace, II, III)

    Join Ami for a deep exploration of the minor arcana of the Tarot. Tarot Study Group meets biweekly to discuss the wisdom of the Tarot through it’s symbolic art, astrological and elemental correspondences and hermetic doctrine. In this group, lovers of the Tarot learn to make connections between the cards and relate to them in new ways. All levels are welcome. Come to one or all!

  • Tarot Study Group Re-start: The Minor Arcana Court of Wands

    Join Ami for a deep exploration of the minor arcana of the Tarot. Tarot Study Group meets biweekly to discuss the wisdom of the Tarot through it’s symbolic art, astrological and elemental correspondences and hermetic doctrine. In this group, lovers of the Tarot learn to make connections between the cards and relate to them in new ways. All levels are welcome. Come to one or all!

  • Tarot Study Group – The Tower

    The Tarot has been embraced as a popular form of divination, but it is also a key to universal wisdom. Our bi-weekly group, facilitated by Ami Lahoff, owner of Star + Splendor, meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing.

  • Tarot Study Group – The Devil

    The Tarot has been embraced as a popular form of divination, but it is also a key to universal wisdom. Our bi-weekly group, facilitated by Ami Lahoff, owner of Star + Splendor, meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing.

  • Tarot Study Group – Temperance/Art

    Our bi-weekly group meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing. $10 reservation.

  • Tarot Study Group – Death

    Our bi-weekly group meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing. $10 reservation.

  • Tarot Study Group – Strength/Lust

    The Tarot has been embraced as a popular form of divination, but it is also a key to universal wisdom. Our bi-weekly group meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing.

  • Tarot Study Group – The Hanged Man

    The Tarot has been embraced as a popular form of divination, but it is also a key to universal wisdom. Our bi-weekly group meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing. $10

  • Tarot Study Group: The Hermit

    The Tarot has been embraced as a popular form of divination, but it is also a key to universal wisdom. Our bi-weekly group meets to explore and discuss the deeper meaning of the cards, including their astrological, Qabalah, elemental and archetypal correspondences, to unlock their power as tools for transformation and healing.