Remediation for the new not-normal
Whoa, how are you all doing?
I have been fairly quiet, spending a lot of time reflecting and just dealing with myself, because if ever there were a time to go deep and find the gems, it’s now. In some way, I see the current pandemic and crisis as a stark, outward manifestation of so many things our world that our society has not wanted to look at. Well, here they are- fear, pain, broken systems, environmental struggle, poverty, chronic stress reaching dizzying heights. We’re being forced to look at these things now, and I feel it’s ultimately for the good.
My silence is because I am engaged in observation of the shifting state of things. Quietly gathering strength, spending time with my family, fortifying, and remembering to engage with joy, in whatever ways possible. These seem like the best course of action now. I had to ask myself- is it even ok to feel joy in the midst of this?
YES! Joy is the antidote to fear! Reach for it. Nurture it. Love it.
What are the joys you are finding in this time? Please put them in the comments so we can cheer one another on.
I made a little video about the other things that are working for me right now. Maybe they’re a little different from what you’ve been hearing and can be helpful to you. If you’d like, you can watch the video below and subscribe to the STAR + SPLENDOR channel on Youtube. I’m planning to do these on a more regular basis, and subscribing will allow you to get alerts.
If you can, leave a comment here or on the video to let me and others know what’s working for you. I’m sure we would all love to hear.